Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Promise

This is the latest song that's on my playlist.

Girls Aloud - The Promise

At first I didn't think it was any special, but the more I listened to it, the more it grew on me.
Its catchy. And the girls can sing.

Here's a live rendition...

Supposed to have Bio topic test tomorrow, but it was postponed to next Monday. So can chill a bit now. Oh and I'm excited about the oral presentation for my research project next Wednesday! Currently preparing the PowerPoint slides and its so much fun! =) This is the one type of school work that I enjoy doing.

And next Thursday is the Mufy Games, since there's no tennis, I'm taking part in badminton doubles. Funny right, yeah u can start laughing now =P. I have not touched a badminton racket in a while. I hope I don't get trashed and make a total fool out of myself. But it should be quite fun, I mean I love challenges and I like a good workout. I bet this will be tough. I will try to apply the things that I have learnt in tennis and translate it as much as possible into badminton.

Haha I will let u know how it goes...

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