Friday, June 26, 2009

what's up Doc?

Have not been feeling normal for days. Finally went to the medical centre for a checkup today. Don't worry it's not A(H1N1). No fever or flu.

Never really been in good health, dealing with digestive system related problems since primary school. I'm becoming the expert of stomach pains. I remember those days. Waking up in the middle of the night feeling sick. Not being able to eat or sleep in peace.

Even though the problem is less severe these days, it still bugs me every now and then, like this week. It's been so many years but I really have no clue what IT is or what's the cause.

So today the doc suggested it could be an infection known as H. pylori. God knows what that is, apparently it's not that uncommon. Hence I did a test to see if the bacteria is present. Results will be out next week. Interesting...

Somehow I have a gut feeling it's not this. But I hope it is, so that I can finally seek treatment. After all, you can only treat something if you know what it is.

Also took a vaccination for chicken pox today. Glad I did.

Stomach not feeling great right now. It gets in the way of life.
Rats. =(

BTW I like this song...

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