Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Boredom Kicks In

3 weeks into the holidays and I'm finally feeling bored. I guess it's about time too, with only 2 weeks left, gotta "prep myself for uni life", whatever that's supposed to mean.

Today's the last day of June. It's been a relaxing month. One that had sufficient indulgence.

Oh yeah I can collect my exam transcript and graduation cert at college tomoro. After that I can register at Monash to make the offer official. =)
There's really nothing else to do. I'm pretty much ready. After all things aren't going to be that different from pre-U. Heck, Monash is just down the block from Sunway. =P

So what am I gonna do now?
Sick of video games and TV. Went to the movies already. Shopped already. Can't play tennis that often becoz my leg is starting to hurt. No mood to work on Yhart.

I feel like going somewhere... like a trip or something. Somewhere fun or with nice sights.

Right now I'm watching 'Kylie Greatest Hits 1987-1997'. Old music videos on DVD. It's amazing how much she has changed since.



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