Friday, June 5, 2009

On The Other Side

Yes, I've made it in one piece.
Initially I didn't want to type this post so soon, but I just couldn't resist.

The feeling of joy and relief is just racing through my body.

This past one year has been quite a journey. Wait, that's a lie. Actually I didn't achieve much. Time flies and the pre-U chapter of my life is gone in a flash. I almost can't believe it. I have to admit the Mufy experience isn't tough compared to some of the courses u guys r taking.

Of course I'm still thankful and grateful for the way things turned out. I wanna thank the ppl I've met this past 12 months, lecturers & friends for helping me, for laughing with me, for trusting me. I mean it. I know I'm not exactly the most cheerful or talkative person, so if I didn't talk to u much it doesn't mean I don't like you.
Yeah. I bet I'll still see most of them at Monash. So hope we keep in touch.
Anyway, I'm making a list of things to do during my 1 month break. Got a few ideas d. =)

Here's a checklist of things I did so far:
1. have nice lunch
2. go mamak
3. Kylie concert DVDs marathon
4. watch tennis (Gonzalez-Soderling match was awesome)
5. write blog post about my new freedom
6. play PC game

I assure you, the list of happy things will GROW. =P

these pics express happiness + good times

till next time =)

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