Saturday, February 28, 2009


Today was a super tiring day.

The occasion? Moral studies group project.
We went to Harvest Centre in Sentul for the classic community service: gotong-royong.
Gathered at college around 7.30am. (damn early rite for a Saturday)
Reached destination around 9.

The 40+ of us were split into smaller groups, and my group had one of the dirtiest jobs. Cleaning up a staircase at the back of a 3 storey building. When I first saw the stairs I was shocked. Totally filled with junk and the amount of dust suggested that no one had clean the place in years (seriously). And it was kinda dark and stuffy too coz there were no windows, so it was like the perfect setting for a horror movie. Carried lots of stuff down the stairs. I was later assigned to do some touch-up painting for a gate. Haha I realize that I suck at painting.

Even though today was so tiring I had fun. I actually got to know some of my MUFY mates better. They are nice ppl. Unfortunately not all of them... I was slightly annoyed to see some ppl who were just standing around chatting not doing anything useful while we worked our butts off. I guess they think they are too good to do chores and get dirty.
Doing voluntary work should be from the heart. If they don't want to contribute I couldn't care. As long as I know I did my part. Small but at least I put in effort.

Sorry I didn't take any pics. Coz my hands were so filthy I didn't want to dirty my phone.

As a result of this project I can't play tennis this week =(
Never mind, I'll just take it as a chance to have a break. Also it's raining so much nowadays I probably wouldn't get to play anyway. Last week rain, this week busy. 2 weeks already T_T

Hav to wait till next week. I wonder what's going to happen then... Earthquake? Or alien invasion?

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