Tuesday, November 4, 2008

the truth

ok, i just realize something.

all this while i've been talking about the entrance scholarship for Monash.

guess what? i went to check the requirement again becoz i forgot the figures, and i realize i'm just not good enough for it.

I don't think the problem is with me though, coz i know i'm not dumb,
BUT it's just that Monash is in a class of its own. I respect that.

I'm not even upset, becoz I think it is almost impossible. Don't believe me? Let's do some math together.

Alright, there are 3 categories for the scholarship: 100%, 50% and 20% tuition fee discount.
Let's take the one with the lowest requirement: the 20% scholarship.

To qualify for it, you need a MUFY score of 365/400. On average, that's 91.25% for each of the four subjects. Now, let's take a look at my potential score:

My internal score for English is 41/50, and i know the maximum i can get for my external is probably not more than 40/50. So, that's 81/100.

365 minus 81 is 284.... This means that for Maths, Bio and Chem i have to score an average of 95% each. Hahahahahahahaha..........

My math internal is 39.4/40, let's say i get 55/60 for my external, so that's 94.4%... quite close.


My internal for Bio is 46/50, so that means i need 49/50 for my external which is quite impossible.

My internal for Chem is 45/50, so that means i need 50/50 for my external. Full marks wor, how can???

SO NOW DO U UNDERSTAND MY SITUATION? I think I did really well for my internal, it's already quite high ok...

Never mind.
So here's the conclusion:
I can definitely qualify for my course, coz the requirement is only 240/400, but there's just no way I can get the scholarship where the requirement is 365/400. I can live with that.

Sorry, mum and dad. I hope you will understand that i'm already giving it my all. I will still try my best to achieve the highest score possible within my abilities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the best.

Gerard. :o)