Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm on the frontpage of The Star!

Seriously. This is not a joke. Go check out today's Star newspaper. There is a picture with hundreds of ppl, and in it is my sis and I.

OK... I admit its a very very small picture of me, but that's still cool rite? Hahahaha...
Found me yet? Alright, here's a hint. I'm in red, and i'm near the caption on the right. See it now? The girl right below me focusing on her camera is my sister.
Actually we went to see Roger Federer yesterday at the Petronas twin towers. There was a very brief 'meet the fans' session where Federer was signing autographs. So many came, it started at 11.45am but we reached at 11am and the line was already quite long.

Some die hard fans came early in the morning... U should have seen the crowd's reaction when Federer's car arrived... He was surrounded by VERY big sized bodyguards, the fans were running like animals towards him, screaming "FEDERER FEDERER!" and taking pictures of him. It was quite a scene.

Before Federer left, he was standing at the terrace, waving & smiling to all the fans gathered at the bottom. It felt really amazing looking at Federer in person. Even though i'm not a big fan, but when he was looking at us, the feeling cannot be described. It's kinda like Whoa........ He is actually slimmer than i thought, but is still quite good looking. He looked really poised, graceful, like a god or something.

This was an enriching experience. Just to be in the same room, breathing the same air as someone so famous like Roger Federer, I will remember this day for a long time. =)

The shadow in the middle is Federer.


close up of his signature

My sis took some pics. Will upload later. =)

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