Monday, April 27, 2009

The Show + Twit twit!

Hmm lately I've been posting more music related posts.
Ever heard of Aussie actress turned singer Lenka? Her song 'The Show' is strange in a corky good way. The video just adds to the strangeness.

OH and I have an announcement. I'm officially on Twitter! (for now at least)
Not sure if it will last coz this may just be a 'hot hot chicken shit' thing... I've always been curious about Twitter since the whole Ashton Kutcher vs. CNN thing. But I always forget when I go online until yesterday when I saw it on Mun Teng's blog.

But here's the deal.
I realized virtually everyone I know is not using Twitter so it's totally not fun.
SO PLEASE go to Twitter and get an account, or just go check out mine (not sure if non-members can view though). I'm still learning how to use.

Anyway I tot of using Twitter becoz I like to write so much, but usually those things aren't long enough (or meaningful enough =P) to be a post HERE... So now I can post them on Twitter.
Yeah... We'll see how it goes.

I think it's simple enough and requires low commitment since it doesn't take much time to update a mini post. The best advantage is that u get to stay connected and keep up to date with the ppl you follow, even the celebrities who twit.
Nuff said. Check it out:

* * *
Today I just found out that there is no more Moral Studies lectures! Means I don't have to stay back till so late anymore! What a pleasant surprise... But I seriously have no idea what's gonna come out for the Moral exam next week.

Math test tomorrow, Chem test on Thursday. It's OK, we have tests so often I'm already numb.

Better go study. Bye =)

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