Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I'm alive. (in cynical tone)

It's amazing how things can change in one day. The negative effects of the meds seem to have vanished. And I got my prescription sorted out. Yay.

Federer wins Wimbledon. Amazing final. Roddick was unexpectedly good.
Williams sisters dominate the tournament AGAIN. Safina was a letdown AGAIN.

Went to Monash today to settle registration stuff. But there's more paper work to settle. Orientation next Monday. Am I nervous? Definitely. New environments can make or break a person. It depends on how u play ur cards. Luck too. I hope to kick off on a good note.

Lately the urge to blog is waning. Don't know why.

And I have a confession to make.






U ready?

I'm addicted to Sims 3. It's a new game released last month and I'm thoroughly hooked. One nite I stayed up until 3am playing it. It's getting unhealthy. I need self control.

"Obsession is a dangerous state of mind" - Kylie Minogue

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