Saturday, May 16, 2009

GaGa Fever

OK if by now u have still not heard of Lady Gaga then ur seriously outdated.

She's one of the hottest artists on this planet right now. All parts of the world. I say ARTIST and not singer or musician becoz Lady Gaga truly embodies the definition of an artist. I've never seen music portrayed in such a creative way. It's an expression of art through music. And I think this is what music is supposed to be.

It's so different from what we have seen. She is unique and I quote in her own words: "I can't be copied."

She is probably the coolest artist of the decade. She does the dance genre proud.

I have to admit I wasn't a fan coz I've listened to the tracks from her album and I tot they were just loud and repetitive. But slowly her hit singles started to grow on me, from 'Just Dance' to 'Poker Face' and now 'LoveGame'. There is something addictive about her songs. Her presence cannot be denied. Even if ur not a fan.

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