Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm Gonna Be On TV!!!

I'm truly excited to share this moment!

The last time Roger Federer came to KL, my sis and I managed to get on the front page of The Star. Really small pic among a sea of ppl, but still it counts!

This time to be on TV is just way cool. OK...... I'm not going to physically appear on your screen, but my name is, and for half an hour I get control over what videos are aired on Channel [V]!

Here's the deal. I took part in a Valentine's edition of a show called 'The Playlist', and my submission was one of the 5 selected entries! Each weekday Channel [V] will air the 5 chosen Valentines playlist, and one lucky finalist will win a Technomarine watch worth RM1000!

The winner will be announced later, but just to have my playlist aired throughout Asia is cool enough, whether I get the watch or not doesn't really matter.

SO you can check out my playlist and dedication at:

Channel [V], Astro Channel 714
Premieres Tuesday, 9 Feb at 9.30pm
Repeats on Wednesday, 10 Feb at 3.30am / 7.30am / 11.30am

Thank you! And have a great Valentines everyone ;)

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