Friday, August 14, 2009

Stretched but not broken

Wow I'm really starting to appreciate the weekends. It's the only time to catch up on lost sleep haha.

Just submitted Stats assignment today. Was hectic coz Chem and Bio report also due today. But I'm proud to say I handed in my Stats assignment one and a half hours before the deadline. Phew, just enough time to take a sigh of relief.

Coming up next is a killer Environmental Science essay due in exactly one week.

I've never worked so hard in my life as a student.

The funny thing is I'm actually starting to enjoy it. OK, maybe 'enjoy' is not the right word, but I'm definitely getting used to handling assignments. The whole rush of trying to get the job done is actually exciting, and the satisfaction you get when it's finally done is so rewarding!

My only complain is that some days I get too tired, then my body starts feeling sick and sore. Gosh I'm like an old man. Hahaha what to do, I NEED plenty of sleep to function optimally.

But right now it's game time, going to play Sims 3 hehe (have not played in 3 weeks!!) Bye =)

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