Friday, September 19, 2008


It's pathology, not pak-toh-logy haha..

went to watch a movie last night with the same title...
the guy from Heroes is the lead actor.
it's an interesting show... i can now conclude that thriller/horror movies are my thing.
'Pathology' is NOT a ghost show, instead it's like a darker version of C.S.I.
To sum it up, this show is about killing without guilt, and also sex.. lots of it...
due to the nature of this show, many scenes were censored (boo hoo)
the plot is interesting, u really wouldn't know what to expect, BUT i feel it's too short.
About an hour and a half... probably due to all the cut scenes which the M'sian censorship board decided to take out...

This movie is refreshing actually, not something that comes by everyday.

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