Friday, January 29, 2010

About Packing Habits

Off to a mini trip tomorrow with the gang. Going to Sekinchan. Not really sure what to expect other than errrmmm paddy field and seafood? The unpredictability is slightly worrying, but kinda exciting as well. Perhaps an opportunity to spice things up.

I wonder if it's common practice to make a list of things before packing. For OCD freaks like me, it's a must. I do it religiously before I go on any kind of trip. I can't imagine packing without some kind of system or organisation. I would just go nuts.

When it comes to packing, I have this constant worry that I might forget something. I know it's no big deal to forget, you can just pick it up at a store or just live a few days without it BUT again it's a mentality that is permanently wired to my brain. I WANT to be able to have everything I might need in my bag.

Back to the list. It's so important. Usually I split the paper into 2 main sections. The left is for clothing and toiletries, and the rest of the stuff goes to the right. All items are listed in some sort of sequence. AND once I have placed the item in my bag, I will cross out the item repeatedly. It gives me peace when I see the items being crossed out. Like a confirmation that I have packed it. Yes, I KNOW I'm neurotic.

And that's not the end. Sometimes even though I know I have crossed out an item, I will still check my bag to make sure it's there. I double, triple, quadruple check things even though I already know for SURE it's there. Strange isn't it? I can't help it. WELL, actually I can. I can force myself to NOT check, but then I know my mind won't be at ease.

This problem used to be more severe... nowadays I consider myself to be much more laid back. If in the past I need to check something 10 times, now I only do it 5 times. Still not 'Normal' in comparison to public standards, but it's an improvement.
Besides I don't mind. I don't see it as an issue I need to address. It's just how I have been all along. Just so you know, in MY standards, most of you non-OCD guys are 'abnormal' for being so carefree hahahahaha.

Will be back Sunday nite. Bye :)

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