Sunday, July 6, 2008

don't be lazy

it's the first time i've not been online for this many days, so i'm doin 3 updates in a row...

lots happening around the world, but for the past 2 days i have focused on mine...

2 days of orientation have passed, 2 more to go... thursday was basically just an intro to the campus, letting us know about the facilities and important things that we need to settle...

Friday was all about MUFY, which a lot of the info i already know, so it was kind of boring... we were briefed about the subjects available, and method of registration...

And for the 1st time in a long while, i actually feel the difference between weekdays and weekends... during holidays, everyday is a weekend, now i actually look forward to weekends coz i can wake up late and have some fun!

My plan to sit back and chill yesterday was short lived though, coz i was persuaded into playing tennis and badminton with friends... then at night we went back to CHS for my juniors' gathering... it was a tiring day, but i don't regret it so thanks guys for 'dragging' me out of the house....

but today is intended for resting, and going online!

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