Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Let's Roll

This is a phrase I constantly say when I'm about to go somewhere. If it sounds just a little familiar, you have probably heard it from a certain cartoon ;)

Didn't plan to talk about the new year so soon, but I won't be around on the 30th onwards. Going for trip to P.D. & Melaka with high school mates! It's been a while since I went for one, and the fact that I get to countdown to 2010 with them makes this trip even more meaningful :)

Year 2000 - 2009
This decade has been amazing. From finishing UPSR to all the years I spent at CHS then moving on to college and now university, just cool to see how much we have learned in 10 years!

I think it's safe to say all of us achieved substantial growth, not just physically, but also mentally, emotionally, spiritually. (gosh this sounds like a moral essay)

This decade has taught me to appreciate so many things.
Sure, there were bumps along the way, but I wouldn't change most of it.

I know this sounds so corny, but I believe the hardships in life define who we are. The good things in life doesn't change us, YES we enjoy it, but we take it for granted for the most part.
Conversely, it's the bad stuff, the shit that we have to put up with over and over again, THAT is what makes us grow, what makes us want to be better. In a way, it gives purpose to live.

OK I should stop with the philosophy....

Year 2010 & beyond
I'm excited for the future, nervous, but more excited. So many possibilities. The only thing that scares me is how quickly time passes, and how little I have achieved in 19 years. How many years do I have left, just what exactly do I want to do with my life? This is the big question I'm still seeking to answer.

On a lighter note, I hope everyone has a blessed 2010!!! I like new years becoz it's the perfect time to reflect on the past before given a chance to start over. Like hitting the refresh button and being presented with a new blank page!

I will be back on the 2th... As usual, my list of new year's resolution will follow.

Love :)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Jingle Jingle

1. A time to gather with loved ones.

2. The malls are packed, everywhere I turn I see green, red, white & hear familiar tunes.

3. It may just be me, but I feel people are nicer this time of year (generally that is).

4. And not forgetting the presents! :)

These are signs that tell me Christmas is here.
There's just something warm & fuzzy about this holiday.

Hope you have a splendid one!

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Year In Music

Lots of happy, party upbeat tracks.
Conquered by Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Black Eyed Peas.
Rise of Taylor Swift, Pixie Lott & Little Boots. They are the ones to watch.

Let's relive some of the year's best...

I Gotta Feeling, monster feel good anthem, even my mum recognizes the beat!

P-p-p-oker Face! Doesn't get catchier than this. The scene where GaGa emerges from the pool gives me goose bumps... cool as hell!

Single Ladies, put a ring on it... I knew this was BIG when I saw an African student singing and strutting it like Beyonce while I was doing Mufy at Sunway. I think the video made it such a hit!

You Belong With Me.. Slightly corny, but I like music videos that tell a story. Not a fan of Taylor but many adore her.

Hot N Cold... A song that fits right in the history of Pop, one of the gems of this decade, much like Kylie's Can't Get You Out Of My Head. Not to be forgotten anytime soon!

Heartless, a word some ppl use to describe Kanye. But this track deserves recognition, I especially like Kris Allen's rendition during American Idol. Kris made it cool.

Gravity by Sara Bareilles, not a big hit like the rest but one of my personal favourites!

I really look forward to 2010, especially Kylie's 11th album!
Let's hope that our favourite artists will raise their games and be inspired to make sweet music :)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

About Fast Food

The desire to blog is waning. Less to say these days.

I feel better I think. It varies actually. Sometimes after a meal I expect to feel sick, but nothing happens. Other times it's torture. Luckily it doesn't last long. Maybe 5 minutes?

Had fast food this morning. I know it's not an ideal breakfast, but I was forced into it. Not by anyone, but by the circumstances. There was nothing else there so it was either fried food or hunger.

Obviously fast food is popular, I understand the appeal. Anything fried tastes better rite? But I don't get why people go for it (including myself) even though they know it's UNHEALTHY especially when they have a CHOICE. You can go to a cafe or restaurant for better food.

Besides fast food isn't cheap these days... consider a set meal that comes with a tiny burger, over fried french fries with a little bit too much salt, and gosh soft drinks that's just filled with gas. You may as well pay a lil more somewhere else for a decent meal.

The only plus point I see about fast food is the convenience, the speed. After all it's FAST food. But once I waited in an A&W outlet for 20 minutes to get my onion rings.

Malaysians should eat healthier. Kids love their regular dose of McD & KFC. Perhaps the fast food culture should be revised. Implementing alternative choices to the menu would be nice, after all not everyone who walks into McDonalds wants to drink Pepsi. I think soft drinks should be minimized. Offer juices into value meals. I know currently you can pay an additional RM1 to change the drink, so why not offer something healthier in the first place! If ppl want soft drinks, make THEM pay an additional RM1 to deter the public from spoiling themselves.

And what's with fries nowadays? Almost always over fried, and too much salt! An over sensation for the tounge. Wouldn't it be nice if they offered mash or potato salad instead?

OK I know healthier choices require additional costs, but like I said, fast food is no longer cheap anyway.

Think about it. Wouldn't you like to see some changes?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

That's It?

First time... getting admitted into a hospital.
First time... getting my hand poked by a painful needle multiple times into the veins.
First time... doing a procedure that required sedation.

Was freaking nervous moments before the endoscope. I knew it was a safe procedure, but it was the uncertainty that worried me. I'm a control freak, I panic when I'm unaware of the situation or when things go beyond my control. Felt helpless. My heart was thumping so hard and fast, couldn't calm down.

I always didn't get why some patients freak out before doing a procedure/surgery. Now I know. You have to experience it yourself to understand that sense of helplessness as you lie in bed waiting, not knowing what's to come.

By the time I was sedated... poof!!! I fell asleep and don't remember anything after that. When I woke up, it was over. No pain. Didn't feel anything at all.

OK.. so the endoscope confirmed what was wrong with my stomach. Erm I have GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease), a condition where the stomach acid flows back into the esophagus due to the weaken muscle that controls the opening of the stomach.

The scope found an ulcer at the opening of the stomach. Also, inside the stomach was red and had spots and this basically indicates infection. Guess what, my old friend H.pylori is still there! Once again tested positive for the bacteria. I almost can't believe that a bacteria can cause so much discomfort. I swear I thought it was something more severe or fatal like a tumour.

The doc convinced me that whatever I have is treatable. But there are certain things I cannot do. Can't drink coffee or tea, eat chocolate, lie down within 3 hours after eating, cannot bend over or lift heavy stuff after eating, basically cannot do anything that strains the abdomen physically, and that unfortunately includes heavy sports like tennis. No running and jumping around for me.

I'll work it out. Somehow.
Will take it easy for now.

P.S. I like the new Rihanna. Darker, stronger, edgier. Solid album, heavy beats.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Going to the medical centre today.

Not sure what to expect, not sure what to say.

I'm not sure if I'm sick, but I can definitely tell you I'm not healthy.

If something is killing me slowly, at least I want to know what IT is.
Even if it's bad, at least I deserve to know.

I need a physician who can tell me.
I'll do tests that can tell me.

All I want is answers.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Kylie's launching a digital download only live album of her show in New York and she is giving fans a free listen of the first half of the album on YouTube exclusively for 1 day only!

There's no way I'm missing this, listen to it while it's still available!!!

And check out this awesome new remix of 'Speakerphone' which is a bonus track in this new live album:

Long live Kylie!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Office Life & Results

Life as an employee is interesting.

I always hear how being a student is better than working. But I think I prefer working. Sure, the hours are long and tiring, you can't play or joke as much, but I just like it.

Maybe it's the initial excitement of venturing unfamiliar territory, or the fact that I'm a plain workaholic.

I like the office environment, I like having my own desk. I like dressing for work. I like sneaking to the pantry for a break and munching on the supply of biscuits and chocolate. I like going for lunch breaks with colleagues. I like the fact that I'm contributing.

I feel more mature. I feel more professional.
And this is only data entry.
I can't wait to experience real work related to food science and tech when I graduate!

I just like work. Sounds insane but it makes me feel good about myself. Tired body, dry eyes to the point of tearing, but satisfying.

I got so worked up about work I totally forgot that exam results were out! Yeah, since the last paper I never thought about results even once until I saw some Monash mates blog about it.

Was a little nervous to log in to see it, but hey I guess I always knew there was nothing to worry about. Not to sound snobby, but I mean you know how hard you studied and how you answered the paper, so the results shouldn't come as a big shock to you right?

The only flaw is with Bio. 1 mark away from HD. Just 1. Why didn't they just give it to me?
But I'm still happy and thankful, truly. Things could have gone a whole lot nastier.

OK, so life goes on...
1 more week of work, then I will chill for a while, celebrate Christmas and then we'll all be saying goodbye to 2009. Ah December........