Saturday, March 13, 2010

Chopped x 2

Two things I want to talk about today.

Chopped, the TV show on the Asian Food Channel (Astro Channel 703) is interesting! Every episode starts with four chefs battling it out to make a three course meal. Each round one chef is eliminated, the last one standing wins $10,000!

It's like Iron Chef, there's a short time limit to prepare each dish, and every chef must also use compulsory mystery ingredients.

Something else got chopped today. My hair! Usually when it reaches a certain length I'll get annoyed and go for a hair cut automatically. But this time I'm surprised how loooong I let it go.

The longer your hair, the harder it is to keep it neat.
Solution? snip snip snip :)

Right now my hair is REALLY short. Like post-NS times. I call it durian spikey.

I wasn't paying attention during the hair cut. I just looked into the mirror and was stunned to see what was left on my head.
I guess I'm so used to longer hair. OH WELL... hair grows back faster than you think anyway.

There's a plus side. My head feels so light now, I can feel the breeze pass my scalp. Also I won't need to worry about styling my hair in the morning! :P

Gosh there's something wrong with me today. I noticed the sentences aren't coherent. I'm tired. Been working on Chem report most of the day. Assignments piling in. Don't you just "love" Monash.......

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