Thursday, April 8, 2010


Hello, it's April already!

Sorry for the lack of updates.
I realized when a person is busy, he/she tends to forgo a lot of the 'little' things. For example reading the newspaper in full, exercising, cleaning my room, cutting my nails, watching TV.

When you're caught up with WORK, rushing for deadlines is all you think about, out of fear that you won't make it, you get sucked into this other world. One filled with negativity and sorrow.

I guess at times like this you just need to STOP whatever the hell you're doing and just BREATHE. Yes just reevaluate the situation. Clearly it's NOT the end.

I always gain strength in looking back at the past, at all the challenges that I have successfully conquered. So many times I thought I wasn't going to pull it off, but in the end things always work out somehow.

"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going"
OK this is such a cliche, but in the face of doom, we will always rise above because we have the will to survive. It's basic instinct.

OK I'm done being a philosopher. I think you're rolling your eyes already. :)

BTW I became a fan of Marina & The Diamonds.. She's just awesome. Check out her latest single I AM NOT A ROBOT!

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