Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Hi everyone, how's this week going for you?

I'm just taking a moment from work (as usual... ugh.......)

Still feeling sluggish after the break, assignments and endless lab reports are piling up again and I have yet to get my butt kicking.

I'm sorry if you're sick of listening to me talk about study related things. I'm sick of it too. But it's all I can talk about right now. There is nothing else in my mind. Can't even come up with a blog post title. Monash has brain washed me. I feel like all the creativity has been sucked out of me :(

Certainly won't be making any Yhart soon.

There's hardly any motivation. Studies I mean. Recently got back fst lab reports and it just dampens my spirit even more. Crappy marks. The marking criteria makes me sick. It's just different than the Bio and Chem reports. Too much is expected of us. We are supposed to know everything. But I just don't have the damn time to do it.

Gosh... see I just talked about studies AGAIN. Sigh what happened to my life?

I want to go on vacation. I want to see another Kylie concert. I want to feel sand in my feet. I want to be free again and let my creativity take over. I want to watch Grey's Anatomy again. I want to go on road trips with my friends. I want to sleep without having to set the alarm clock.

I want to be far away from what my life is right now.

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