Thursday, November 26, 2009

Introducing 'Yhart Sale'

From now on, you can have a piece of me.
Nope, didn't enlist myself as an organ donor. Think again.

I have been working hard to make this happen, but now that the moment of revealing it is here, I'm tongue tied. Gee I wish I could come up with a more creative way to say it, but I'm too happy/excited/nervous/tired to construct witty sentences.


I'm starting a mini business. Yup, I'm selling my own art work, Yhart.
The profit from this project goes to charity.

THE REST you can read at my Yhart Sale blog:
THIS is where the magic happens.

I'm keeping a very open mind about this venture. So I won't blame you for thinking I've completely lost my mind.
Oh wait... come to think of it, I've always been crazy, and I'm sure you guys already know hahahaha.

So I hope you will support me.

I would like to thank every single person who has contributed to this project. Those who have inspired me to make art, those who I have invited to preview the Yhart Sale blog. I value your comments and suggestions. I made some changes, and I have a feeling more will come.
As stated in this blog's header, change is inevitable. I'm staying true to myself.

Thanks and love to you all. :)

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