Saturday, February 9, 2008

change is wonderful

For better or for worse, people change. In my case, it's a good change. I'm refering to personal development. I realised that we are undergoing continuous change whether we like it to happen or not as life goes on. We are influenced by so many things in life, but of course i only try to emulate what i feel is right. Every experience is a new lesson, and my perspective of life is constantly changing. I think this is a process of self discovery, and it's really really exciting because we never really know what our limits are until we explore them.

Last year was a year of big change for me, especially in the last few months. I thought I had changed to a point where it would just stop, but right now after going to NS for 5 weeks and coming back home for CNY I feel somewhat different. So something tells me I still have a long way to go and I'm just flooded with anticipation.

OK, if this doesn't make any sense or if it's starting to get too sentimental for your taste just forget it. haha =)

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